I see that I'm a bit behind on this gem of a news article but Oh, this can't be good.
Will someone please explain to me HOW these inane decisions go unchallenged? I see that this appointment did not require congressional confirmation (the WHY of that escapes me), so Bush gets to go ahead and put anti-choice, godbag-wingnut Eric Keroack in charge of all the cash for 4,600 family planning clinics across the US. Good call. Except that Keroack thinks contraception ought to be redundant. He thinks that abstinence is super-cool!! And you know what else he thinks? Yes, that's right:
the "crass commercialization and distribution" of contraception is "demeaning to women, degrading of human sexuality and adverse to human health and happiness...
promiscuous women will not be able to form long-lasting relationships because they have used up all of their "bonding" hormone on casual sex...
Call me cynical but I'm sensing a potential problem here. Read the whole article and then donate anything you can afford to your local pro-contraception, pro-abortion women's group. This is getting to be the thin end of the wedge.
It's a continuation of Bush's policy. The US govt has already caused grave harm to women in other countries by limiting options, expanding it in the US just makes good, neocon sense.
We have a bonding hormone? Is that why I can't have a relationship? Gee godbag guy, I wish you had been around before.
Why do I have the feeling this guy is just another arrogant assclown? Is it just me?
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