Saturday, January 13, 2007

Abortion Watch 2007 Begins...

I'm always keeping at least one eye out for abortion jiggery pokery...Here's the latest from Oklahoma. It is a creative (and apparently not uncommon) bit of legislation that would allow Oklahoma to immediately prohibit abortion should the supreme court ever overturn Roe v Wade. Sort of misogyny-in-waiting if you like, ready to leap into action at a moment's notice. Recoil-effect woman-hating in 17 of the United States. We need to be alert.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Happy Monday!! yes, I know it's early...

but I am up to my bum cheeks in paperwork and have a five pm I'm not touching the internets until said deadline has passed and I have turned in my work. So, because I'm kind and thoughtful and don't want you all to go without your dose of Monday wonderfulness I'm doing it now. While I eat my Sunday dinner... On the slimfast/WW front, I have a lovely story to share later this week, about how I took on the corporate giant and WON! Mwahahahahahaha. Well, I got an apology. I choose to see it as a victory of massive proportions. Have a great week, women!